The TLC study is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Aging (R01-AG061946). All research procedures have been filed with clinical (NCT-03689179) and have been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Utah (IRB_00120589).

Research Reports & Study Results
Below you can read more about the presentations, papers, and research reports associated with the TLC study.
Watch Video Here To Get Updates On Preliminary Findings!
Thank you to all of the individuals who participated in this study! The TLC team is now working on data analysis. Click the link below to watch a short video that presents some preliminary finding updates.
Watch Video and Keep Up-to-date
ARCH National Lifespan Respite Conference
Dr, Rebecca Utz, PI on the TLC study, and Amber Thompson, TLC team member will present the TLC app to national respite providers in Madison, Wisconsin in September.
Commentary: Acknowledge essential family caregivers during the holidays
Dr. Rebecca Utz, PI on the TLC study, along with her colleagues at the University of Utah, Dr. Lee Ellington and Dr. Debra Scammon, and Rob Ence, executive director of the Utah Commission on Aging, wrote a commentary published in the Salt Lake Tribune on 12/21/2021, highlighting how the holidays can be a particularly stressful time for caregivers. As the holidays bring together friends and families (either in-person or at-a-distance), we all have the unique opportunity to recognize and let caregivers know how much we appreciate what they do and to offer them our support.
OP-ED: Family Caregivers are the Invisible Health Care Workers
Dr. Rebecca Utz, PI on the TLC study, along with her colleagues at the University of Utah, Dr. Lee Ellington and Dr. Debra Scammon, wrote a commentary published in the Salt Lake Tribune on 04/09/2020, highlighting the importance of family caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the need to self-quarantine and the shutdown of so many supportive services, caregivers are even more isolated and even more in need of respite services and support.
NIA Summit on Dementia Care & Support for Caregivers
The TLC research team was invited to present at the 2nd NIA-sponsored summit highlighting new research on dementia care and support for caregivers. After the in-person summit was cancelled because of COVID-19, the TLC team participated in the virtual summit during summer 2020, where they presented information about the goals and purpose of the 16-week TLC program. The TLC project is also highlighted on an NIA blog, showcasing new research on the care and support of dementia caregivers.
View Poster Presentation on Twitter
TLC Description Poster
Additional details of TLC as an online, self-administered intervention have been presented at meetings of the Alzheimer’s Association, International Short Break Association, the Respite Research Conference, hosted by ARCH National Respite Resource Center
Use of Community Engaged Research Practices to Develop Online Intervention Tools
The TLC research team committed to the use of participatory research practices and community-engagement when they (re)developed the TLC intervention tools to be delivered through a self-administered, technology-delivered app. These practices and lessons learned are described in a presentation at the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research & Training (July 2019) and a publication.
Description of the TLC Program
The original goals and rationale of the TLC intervention have been described in a publication of the International Journal of Aging & Human Development.
Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2014 ; 79(2): 157–178.